Special Educational Needs and Disability (S.E.N.D.)

 The school's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Rachel Norbury.  She can be contacted at rachel.norbury@marketdeeping.lincs.sch.uk or via contact numbers above.  


 All maintained schools have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school. All schools are supported to be as inclusive as possible, with the needs of pupils with a Special Educational Need/s being met in a mainstream setting wherever possible, where families want this to happen.

For your child this would mean:

  • That the teacher has the highest possible expectations for your child and all pupils in their class.
  • That all teaching is based on building on what your child already knows, can do and can understand.
  • Different ways of teaching are in place so that your child is fully involved in learning in class. This may involve things like using more practical learning.
  • Specific strategies (which may be suggested by the SENCO or outside staff)  are in place to support your child to learn.
  • Your child’s teacher will have carefully checked on your child’s progress and will have decided that your child has gap in their understanding/learning and needs some extra support to help them make the best possible progress.

All children in school should be getting this as a part of excellent classroom practice when needed.


MDCP’s Vision for our SEND and Vulnerable Pupils:

Our VISION for the school and all pupils with SEND is ‘Growing together to be the We aim for all of our pupils to progress along the Skillsbuilder expectations and demonstrate our key values of being CONFIDENT COMMUNICATORS, RESILIENT LEARNERS, ASPIRATIONAL CITIZENS and COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

We work towards achieving this as our MISSION is that ‘We work together so that everyone can achieve their unique potential’. This particularly resonates for our pupils with SEND as we want them to reach their full potential and be ready for the move to their next setting- ASPIRATIONAL CITIZENS

For the majority this will be to happily and confidently transition to mainstream secondary school.  For others it may mean specialised provision- RESILIENT LEARNERS

We aim for all our pupils to find the best school for their needs and to work closely with families to ensure they have the best choice of onward education to meet their needs so that they can become valuable members of society.  COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

Whilst with us we work together with parents and carers to support individual development and celebrate their successes on their pathway to achieve their unique potential- COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

We aim for all our pupils to confidently share their ideas and understanding, to know how to independently overcome obstacles and to seek support if they need it-CONFIDENT COMMUNICATORS

We send this letter each year to parents of pupils who are on the SEND register at school.


Dear Parents


Special Educational Needs and Disability at Market Deeping Community Primary School


This is to confirm that your child is on our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Register at Market Deeping Community Primary School. We are writing to all parents of children with special educational needs to ensure you are aware of the support your child has in school, what you can do to help your child’s needs and what processes we have in school. Every child is different and we tailor support for all our pupils in school as and when required. We do this with parents and carers and aim for very close working relationships. Your child is on the SEND register as an outside agency has been contacted for additional support and guidance to help meet your child’s particular needs and/or they have undertaken an assessment that identifies a particular area for development. This work is always carried out with parental consent.

 Statutory Information

The school’s SEND Information Report and SEND Policy can be found at https://www.mdcp.org.uk/key-information/send-local-offer.


Mrs Rachel Norbury is the school’s Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator. The first point of contact for supporting your child will be the Class Teacher. Mrs Norbury works available during the week to arrange a meeting to discuss support for children.


All children on the SEND register have a SEND FLOWCHART. These are reviewed and published in line with Parents’ Evenings – October, February and June. A longer Parents’ Evening time is allocated for SEND pupils to enable deeper discussion between teacher and parent about your child’s progress. Work on the FLOWCHART should take place at home as well as in school and evidence shared on SEESAW.


Engagement in SEESAW is a powerful tool to help your child make progress with their FLOWCHART targets and with all of their learning. SEND pupils will use SEESAW more regularly than other children to share their understanding of their work in class – particularly those who have trouble writing down their ideas. Please regularly check SEESAW and share the children’s work at home.


We expect all our SEND pupils to engage in every subject to ensure they access the whole national curriculum. Our vision for our SEND pupils has recently been revised and will appear in our policy when this is reviewed in February. If you have any comments please do let us know.

MDCP’s Vision for our SEND and Vulnerable Pupils:

Our VISION for the school and all pupils with SEND is ‘Growing together to be the We aim for all of our pupils to progress along the Skillsbuilder expectations and demonstrate our key values of being CONFIDENT COMMUNICATORS, RESILIENT LEARNERS, ASPIRATIONAL CITIZENS and COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

We work towards achieving this as our MISSION is that ‘We work together so that everyone can achieve their unique potential’. This particularly resonates for our pupils with SEND as we want them to reach their full potential and be ready for the move to their next setting- ASPIRATIONAL CITIZENS

For the majority this will be to happily and confidently transition to mainstream secondary school. For others it may mean specialised provision- RESILIENT LEARNERS

We aim for all our pupils to find the best school for their needs and to work closely with families to ensure they have the best choice of onward education to meet their needs so that they can become valuable members of society. COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

Whilst with us we work together with parents and carers to support individual development and celebrate their successes on their pathway to achieve their unique potential- COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

We aim for all our pupils to confidently share their ideas and understanding, to know how to independently overcome obstacles and to seek support if they need it-CONFIDENT COMMUNICATORS


Please do get in contact with the class teacher if you are ever unsure of what is being done to support your child and what you can do to help them.


Yours sincerely

Mark Ratchford


We send this letter every year to all parents to make them aware of our SEND processes.


Dear Parents


Special Educational Needs and Disability at Market Deeping Community Primary School


The school has a Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Register which identifies all pupils in school who require specialist intervention and support for their learning. These children have been included on our register as they have requested and/or received an assessment from an outside agency that recognises their need. We have recently written to all parents of children on this register to confirm the systems we have in place in school to support SEND children. All of this information is available on our website.

 Children across the school receive additional support even though they are not on the SEND register and this support takes many forms: differentiation in each lesson, interventions with teachers or with teaching assistants, phonics tuition with Mrs Greene, emotional and behavioural support etc.

 It is important to us that if you have a concern about your child’s learning this is addressed and the best person to direct this to will be the Class Teacher. We have two scheduled parents evening consultations (Oct/Feb) and then a further opportunity for face-to-face discussion with the class teacher following receipt of the end of year report if requested by the parents in July. This is when we officially share information.  Additionally SEESAW and the ready availability of staff at the end of the day offer us close links with all our families and opportunities to share successes in learning.

 Mrs Rachel Norbury is our school’s Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCO) and if you feel your child does have an underlying issue with their learning that we are not aware of can be contacted at school.  If you wish to make an appointment to meet with her to discuss your child’s needs please contact her or the school.

 Statutory Information

The school’s SEND Information Report and SEND Policy can be found at https://www.mdcp.org.uk/key-information/send-local-offer



We expect all our SEND pupils to engage in every subject to ensure they access the whole national curriculum. Our vision for our SEND pupils has recently been revised and will appear in our policy when this is reviewed in February. If you have any comments please do let us know.


MDCP’s Vision for our SEND and Vulnerable Pupils:

Our VISION for the school and all pupils with SEND is ‘Growing together to be the We aim for all of our pupils to progress along the Skillsbuilder expectations and demonstrate our key values of being CONFIDENT COMMUNICATORS, RESILIENT LEARNERS, ASPIRATIONAL CITIZENS and COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

We work towards achieving this as our MISSION is that ‘We work together so that everyone can achieve their unique potential’. This particularly resonates for our pupils with SEND as we want them to reach their full potential and be ready for the move to their next setting- ASPIRATIONAL CITIZENS

For the majority this will be to happily and confidently transition to mainstream secondary school. For others it may mean specialised provision- RESILIENT LEARNERS

We aim for all our pupils to find the best school for their needs and to work closely with families to ensure they have the best choice of onward education to meet their needs so that they can become valuable members of society. COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

Whilst with us we work together with parents and carers to support individual development and celebrate their successes on their pathway to achieve their unique potential- COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

We aim for all our pupils to confidently share their ideas and understanding, to know how to independently overcome obstacles and to seek support if they need it-CONFIDENT COMMUNICATORS


Please do get in contact with the class teacher if you are ever unsure of what is being done to support your child and what you can do to help them.


Yours sincerely

Mark Ratchford


Special Educational Needs and Disability (S.E.N.D.)

 The school's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Rachel Norbury.  She can be contacted at rachel.norbury@marketdeeping.lincs.sch.uk or via contact numbers above.  


 All maintained schools have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school. All schools are supported to be as inclusive as possible, with the needs of pupils with a Special Educational Need/s being met in a mainstream setting wherever possible, where families want this to happen.

For your child this would mean:

  • That the teacher has the highest possible expectations for your child and all pupils in their class.
  • That all teaching is based on building on what your child already knows, can do and can understand.
  • Different ways of teaching are in place so that your child is fully involved in learning in class. This may involve things like using more practical learning.
  • Specific strategies (which may be suggested by the SENCO or outside staff)  are in place to support your child to learn.
  • Your child’s teacher will have carefully checked on your child’s progress and will have decided that your child has gap in their understanding/learning and needs some extra support to help them make the best possible progress.

All children in school should be getting this as a part of excellent classroom practice when needed.


MDCP’s Vision for our SEND and Vulnerable Pupils:

Our VISION for the school and all pupils with SEND is ‘Growing together to be the We aim for all of our pupils to progress along the Skillsbuilder expectations and demonstrate our key values of being CONFIDENT COMMUNICATORS, RESILIENT LEARNERS, ASPIRATIONAL CITIZENS and COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

We work towards achieving this as our MISSION is that ‘We work together so that everyone can achieve their unique potential’. This particularly resonates for our pupils with SEND as we want them to reach their full potential and be ready for the move to their next setting- ASPIRATIONAL CITIZENS

For the majority this will be to happily and confidently transition to mainstream secondary school.  For others it may mean specialised provision- RESILIENT LEARNERS

We aim for all our pupils to find the best school for their needs and to work closely with families to ensure they have the best choice of onward education to meet their needs so that they can become valuable members of society.  COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

Whilst with us we work together with parents and carers to support individual development and celebrate their successes on their pathway to achieve their unique potential- COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

We aim for all our pupils to confidently share their ideas and understanding, to know how to independently overcome obstacles and to seek support if they need it-CONFIDENT COMMUNICATORS

We send this letter each year to parents of pupils who are on the SEND register at school.


Dear Parents


Special Educational Needs and Disability at Market Deeping Community Primary School


This is to confirm that your child is on our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Register at Market Deeping Community Primary School. We are writing to all parents of children with special educational needs to ensure you are aware of the support your child has in school, what you can do to help your child’s needs and what processes we have in school. Every child is different and we tailor support for all our pupils in school as and when required. We do this with parents and carers and aim for very close working relationships. Your child is on the SEND register as an outside agency has been contacted for additional support and guidance to help meet your child’s particular needs and/or they have undertaken an assessment that identifies a particular area for development. This work is always carried out with parental consent.

 Statutory Information

The school’s SEND Information Report and SEND Policy can be found at https://www.mdcp.org.uk/key-information/send-local-offer.


Mrs Rachel Norbury is the school’s Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator. The first point of contact for supporting your child will be the Class Teacher. Mrs Norbury works available during the week to arrange a meeting to discuss support for children.


All children on the SEND register have a SEND FLOWCHART. These are reviewed and published in line with Parents’ Evenings – October, February and June. A longer Parents’ Evening time is allocated for SEND pupils to enable deeper discussion between teacher and parent about your child’s progress. Work on the FLOWCHART should take place at home as well as in school and evidence shared on SEESAW.


Engagement in SEESAW is a powerful tool to help your child make progress with their FLOWCHART targets and with all of their learning. SEND pupils will use SEESAW more regularly than other children to share their understanding of their work in class – particularly those who have trouble writing down their ideas. Please regularly check SEESAW and share the children’s work at home.


We expect all our SEND pupils to engage in every subject to ensure they access the whole national curriculum. Our vision for our SEND pupils has recently been revised and will appear in our policy when this is reviewed in February. If you have any comments please do let us know.

MDCP’s Vision for our SEND and Vulnerable Pupils:

Our VISION for the school and all pupils with SEND is ‘Growing together to be the We aim for all of our pupils to progress along the Skillsbuilder expectations and demonstrate our key values of being CONFIDENT COMMUNICATORS, RESILIENT LEARNERS, ASPIRATIONAL CITIZENS and COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

We work towards achieving this as our MISSION is that ‘We work together so that everyone can achieve their unique potential’. This particularly resonates for our pupils with SEND as we want them to reach their full potential and be ready for the move to their next setting- ASPIRATIONAL CITIZENS

For the majority this will be to happily and confidently transition to mainstream secondary school. For others it may mean specialised provision- RESILIENT LEARNERS

We aim for all our pupils to find the best school for their needs and to work closely with families to ensure they have the best choice of onward education to meet their needs so that they can become valuable members of society. COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

Whilst with us we work together with parents and carers to support individual development and celebrate their successes on their pathway to achieve their unique potential- COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

We aim for all our pupils to confidently share their ideas and understanding, to know how to independently overcome obstacles and to seek support if they need it-CONFIDENT COMMUNICATORS


Please do get in contact with the class teacher if you are ever unsure of what is being done to support your child and what you can do to help them.


Yours sincerely

Mark Ratchford


We send this letter every year to all parents to make them aware of our SEND processes.


Dear Parents


Special Educational Needs and Disability at Market Deeping Community Primary School


The school has a Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Register which identifies all pupils in school who require specialist intervention and support for their learning. These children have been included on our register as they have requested and/or received an assessment from an outside agency that recognises their need. We have recently written to all parents of children on this register to confirm the systems we have in place in school to support SEND children. All of this information is available on our website.

 Children across the school receive additional support even though they are not on the SEND register and this support takes many forms: differentiation in each lesson, interventions with teachers or with teaching assistants, phonics tuition with Mrs Greene, emotional and behavioural support etc.

 It is important to us that if you have a concern about your child’s learning this is addressed and the best person to direct this to will be the Class Teacher. We have two scheduled parents evening consultations (Oct/Feb) and then a further opportunity for face-to-face discussion with the class teacher following receipt of the end of year report if requested by the parents in July. This is when we officially share information.  Additionally SEESAW and the ready availability of staff at the end of the day offer us close links with all our families and opportunities to share successes in learning.

 Mrs Rachel Norbury is our school’s Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCO) and if you feel your child does have an underlying issue with their learning that we are not aware of can be contacted at school.  If you wish to make an appointment to meet with her to discuss your child’s needs please contact her or the school.

 Statutory Information

The school’s SEND Information Report and SEND Policy can be found at https://www.mdcp.org.uk/key-information/send-local-offer



We expect all our SEND pupils to engage in every subject to ensure they access the whole national curriculum. Our vision for our SEND pupils has recently been revised and will appear in our policy when this is reviewed in February. If you have any comments please do let us know.


MDCP’s Vision for our SEND and Vulnerable Pupils:

Our VISION for the school and all pupils with SEND is ‘Growing together to be the We aim for all of our pupils to progress along the Skillsbuilder expectations and demonstrate our key values of being CONFIDENT COMMUNICATORS, RESILIENT LEARNERS, ASPIRATIONAL CITIZENS and COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

We work towards achieving this as our MISSION is that ‘We work together so that everyone can achieve their unique potential’. This particularly resonates for our pupils with SEND as we want them to reach their full potential and be ready for the move to their next setting- ASPIRATIONAL CITIZENS

For the majority this will be to happily and confidently transition to mainstream secondary school. For others it may mean specialised provision- RESILIENT LEARNERS

We aim for all our pupils to find the best school for their needs and to work closely with families to ensure they have the best choice of onward education to meet their needs so that they can become valuable members of society. COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

Whilst with us we work together with parents and carers to support individual development and celebrate their successes on their pathway to achieve their unique potential- COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

We aim for all our pupils to confidently share their ideas and understanding, to know how to independently overcome obstacles and to seek support if they need it-CONFIDENT COMMUNICATORS


Please do get in contact with the class teacher if you are ever unsure of what is being done to support your child and what you can do to help them.


Yours sincerely

Mark Ratchford


Special Educational Needs and Disability (S.E.N.D.)

 The school's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Rachel Norbury.  She can be contacted at rachel.norbury@marketdeeping.lincs.sch.uk or via contact numbers above.  


 All maintained schools have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school. All schools are supported to be as inclusive as possible, with the needs of pupils with a Special Educational Need/s being met in a mainstream setting wherever possible, where families want this to happen.

For your child this would mean:

  • That the teacher has the highest possible expectations for your child and all pupils in their class.
  • That all teaching is based on building on what your child already knows, can do and can understand.
  • Different ways of teaching are in place so that your child is fully involved in learning in class. This may involve things like using more practical learning.
  • Specific strategies (which may be suggested by the SENCO or outside staff)  are in place to support your child to learn.
  • Your child’s teacher will have carefully checked on your child’s progress and will have decided that your child has gap in their understanding/learning and needs some extra support to help them make the best possible progress.

All children in school should be getting this as a part of excellent classroom practice when needed.


MDCP’s Vision for our SEND and Vulnerable Pupils:

Our VISION for the school and all pupils with SEND is ‘Growing together to be the We aim for all of our pupils to progress along the Skillsbuilder expectations and demonstrate our key values of being CONFIDENT COMMUNICATORS, RESILIENT LEARNERS, ASPIRATIONAL CITIZENS and COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

We work towards achieving this as our MISSION is that ‘We work together so that everyone can achieve their unique potential’. This particularly resonates for our pupils with SEND as we want them to reach their full potential and be ready for the move to their next setting- ASPIRATIONAL CITIZENS

For the majority this will be to happily and confidently transition to mainstream secondary school.  For others it may mean specialised provision- RESILIENT LEARNERS

We aim for all our pupils to find the best school for their needs and to work closely with families to ensure they have the best choice of onward education to meet their needs so that they can become valuable members of society.  COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

Whilst with us we work together with parents and carers to support individual development and celebrate their successes on their pathway to achieve their unique potential- COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

We aim for all our pupils to confidently share their ideas and understanding, to know how to independently overcome obstacles and to seek support if they need it-CONFIDENT COMMUNICATORS

We send this letter each year to parents of pupils who are on the SEND register at school.


Dear Parents


Special Educational Needs and Disability at Market Deeping Community Primary School


This is to confirm that your child is on our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Register at Market Deeping Community Primary School. We are writing to all parents of children with special educational needs to ensure you are aware of the support your child has in school, what you can do to help your child’s needs and what processes we have in school. Every child is different and we tailor support for all our pupils in school as and when required. We do this with parents and carers and aim for very close working relationships. Your child is on the SEND register as an outside agency has been contacted for additional support and guidance to help meet your child’s particular needs and/or they have undertaken an assessment that identifies a particular area for development. This work is always carried out with parental consent.

 Statutory Information

The school’s SEND Information Report and SEND Policy can be found at https://www.mdcp.org.uk/key-information/send-local-offer.


Mrs Rachel Norbury is the school’s Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator. The first point of contact for supporting your child will be the Class Teacher. Mrs Norbury works available during the week to arrange a meeting to discuss support for children.


All children on the SEND register have a SEND FLOWCHART. These are reviewed and published in line with Parents’ Evenings – October, February and June. A longer Parents’ Evening time is allocated for SEND pupils to enable deeper discussion between teacher and parent about your child’s progress. Work on the FLOWCHART should take place at home as well as in school and evidence shared on SEESAW.


Engagement in SEESAW is a powerful tool to help your child make progress with their FLOWCHART targets and with all of their learning. SEND pupils will use SEESAW more regularly than other children to share their understanding of their work in class – particularly those who have trouble writing down their ideas. Please regularly check SEESAW and share the children’s work at home.


We expect all our SEND pupils to engage in every subject to ensure they access the whole national curriculum. Our vision for our SEND pupils has recently been revised and will appear in our policy when this is reviewed in February. If you have any comments please do let us know.

MDCP’s Vision for our SEND and Vulnerable Pupils:

Our VISION for the school and all pupils with SEND is ‘Growing together to be the We aim for all of our pupils to progress along the Skillsbuilder expectations and demonstrate our key values of being CONFIDENT COMMUNICATORS, RESILIENT LEARNERS, ASPIRATIONAL CITIZENS and COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

We work towards achieving this as our MISSION is that ‘We work together so that everyone can achieve their unique potential’. This particularly resonates for our pupils with SEND as we want them to reach their full potential and be ready for the move to their next setting- ASPIRATIONAL CITIZENS

For the majority this will be to happily and confidently transition to mainstream secondary school. For others it may mean specialised provision- RESILIENT LEARNERS

We aim for all our pupils to find the best school for their needs and to work closely with families to ensure they have the best choice of onward education to meet their needs so that they can become valuable members of society. COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

Whilst with us we work together with parents and carers to support individual development and celebrate their successes on their pathway to achieve their unique potential- COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

We aim for all our pupils to confidently share their ideas and understanding, to know how to independently overcome obstacles and to seek support if they need it-CONFIDENT COMMUNICATORS


Please do get in contact with the class teacher if you are ever unsure of what is being done to support your child and what you can do to help them.


Yours sincerely

Mark Ratchford


We send this letter every year to all parents to make them aware of our SEND processes.


Dear Parents


Special Educational Needs and Disability at Market Deeping Community Primary School


The school has a Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Register which identifies all pupils in school who require specialist intervention and support for their learning. These children have been included on our register as they have requested and/or received an assessment from an outside agency that recognises their need. We have recently written to all parents of children on this register to confirm the systems we have in place in school to support SEND children. All of this information is available on our website.

 Children across the school receive additional support even though they are not on the SEND register and this support takes many forms: differentiation in each lesson, interventions with teachers or with teaching assistants, phonics tuition with Mrs Greene, emotional and behavioural support etc.

 It is important to us that if you have a concern about your child’s learning this is addressed and the best person to direct this to will be the Class Teacher. We have two scheduled parents evening consultations (Oct/Feb) and then a further opportunity for face-to-face discussion with the class teacher following receipt of the end of year report if requested by the parents in July. This is when we officially share information.  Additionally SEESAW and the ready availability of staff at the end of the day offer us close links with all our families and opportunities to share successes in learning.

 Mrs Rachel Norbury is our school’s Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCO) and if you feel your child does have an underlying issue with their learning that we are not aware of can be contacted at school.  If you wish to make an appointment to meet with her to discuss your child’s needs please contact her or the school.

 Statutory Information

The school’s SEND Information Report and SEND Policy can be found at https://www.mdcp.org.uk/key-information/send-local-offer



We expect all our SEND pupils to engage in every subject to ensure they access the whole national curriculum. Our vision for our SEND pupils has recently been revised and will appear in our policy when this is reviewed in February. If you have any comments please do let us know.


MDCP’s Vision for our SEND and Vulnerable Pupils:

Our VISION for the school and all pupils with SEND is ‘Growing together to be the We aim for all of our pupils to progress along the Skillsbuilder expectations and demonstrate our key values of being CONFIDENT COMMUNICATORS, RESILIENT LEARNERS, ASPIRATIONAL CITIZENS and COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

We work towards achieving this as our MISSION is that ‘We work together so that everyone can achieve their unique potential’. This particularly resonates for our pupils with SEND as we want them to reach their full potential and be ready for the move to their next setting- ASPIRATIONAL CITIZENS

For the majority this will be to happily and confidently transition to mainstream secondary school. For others it may mean specialised provision- RESILIENT LEARNERS

We aim for all our pupils to find the best school for their needs and to work closely with families to ensure they have the best choice of onward education to meet their needs so that they can become valuable members of society. COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

Whilst with us we work together with parents and carers to support individual development and celebrate their successes on their pathway to achieve their unique potential- COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS

We aim for all our pupils to confidently share their ideas and understanding, to know how to independently overcome obstacles and to seek support if they need it-CONFIDENT COMMUNICATORS


Please do get in contact with the class teacher if you are ever unsure of what is being done to support your child and what you can do to help them.


Yours sincerely

Mark Ratchford
